Security Alliance

Securing the future of crypto

See Our Initiatives


Under the leadership of samczsun, Head of Security at Paradigm, we launch 'moonshots with consensus'

We do this by designing innovative projects, engaging elite technologists and by coordinating on the social layer to ensure meaningful adoption

Our Initiatives

Ambitious, Practical, Impactful

We design the incentives to turn competitors into collaborators, and we defer to the technologists to work on the technology

SEAL 911

A free 24/7 emergency hotline for help with incident response, vulnerability disclosure, or any other security problem


Whitehat Safe Harbor Agreement

Legal protection and incentives for whitehats to rescue funds under active exploit

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Whitehat Legal Defense Fund

A collaboration with the Security Research Legal Defense Fund that provides financial assistance to pay for eligible good-faith security researcher's counsel.

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SEAL Wargames

Free red team exercises to help prepare your developers for the next war room

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A nonprofit organization providing a central resource for gathering information on cyber and related threats to the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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50+ Donors & Partners

And Many More